Website Guidelines
A PTA website is an excellent way for the PTA to communicate with its members and families in the school. Because it is a PTA supported site, advocacy can be included on these sites within the guidelines of the California State PTA. Guidelines for Unit PTA websites are noted below.
CUSD Guidelines for School Website Posting PTA Information
Your school's website is administered and maintained by CUSD. A direct link to the PTA website may be listed on the CUSD school site but the school must include a disclaimer as per the "Web Posting Guidelines" policy listed below. With the approval of the school principal, the PTA may also include basic information on the school web site. This might include the officers, meeting dates, membership information and major activities. ​
What Cannot Be Included On Your School Website
Your PTA Newsletter
​Information about advocacy or legislation activities
Disclaimer to be posted on School website with posting about PTA
There may be Web sites linked to and from this site that are operated or created by or for organizations outside of the Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD). Those organizations are solely responsible for the operation and information (including the right to display such information) found on their respective Web sites. The linking to or from this site does not imply on the part of CUSD any endorsement or guarantee of any of the organizations or information (including the right to display such information) found on their respective Web sites.
CUSD does not assume and is not responsible for any liability whatsoever for the linking of any of these linked Web sites, the operation or content (including the right to display such information) of any of the linked Web sites, nor for any of the information, interpretation, comments or opinions expressed in any of the linked Web sites. Any comments or inquiries regarding the linked Web sites are to be directed to the particular organization for which the particular Web site is being operated.
Use of the PTA Logo
National PTA has established guidelines in how all communications from PTA should look. This includes your school's PTA website, logo, and social media presence. There are established style guides that dictate which fonts and colors can be used. The PTA logo and tagline (everychild.onevoice) is also part of this effort to keep the look consistent between PTA's.
Website Content​​​​
Meeting dates
All sites should have Association Meetings clearly posted on the site. Executive Meetings may be posted but this is not required.
All sites should have Membership Information and forms/links to join on their website. The cost of membership for the school PTA should be defined. Details of Per capita dues is not required but can be listed as well.
PTA Events and Programs
Site should focus pages on PTA Events and Programs including calendar information. School-related activities (e.g., awards ceremonies, State testing, Picture Day) can be also included on your Calendar.
Board Members/Contacts
Personal email contacts can be included but you should always get permission from the members to post.​
If you have a PTA URL (stand alone) website, it should include PTA Advocacy as reported by our Legislation Advocacy team. If your “website” is hosted on the CUSD School Loop website you cannot include advocacy.
The following are approved Disclaimers for use on PTA websites.
Required to appear on the Home page of a PTA site
(with "CUCPTSA" replaced with the name of the school PTA)
Although the CUCPTSA site may include links providing direct access to other Internet sites, CUCPTSA has not participated in the development of those other sites, and does not exert any editorial or other control over those sites. The linking to or from this site does not imply on the part of CUCPTSA any guarantee of quality, assumption of liability or endorsement of the organizations maintaining external websites.
Required to appear on a CUSD PTA website
​As a school-connected organization, we must follow the same Constitutional guidelines related to student fees that mandate all schools and districts provide a public education to your student free of charge. Subject to certain exceptions, your right to a free public education means that neither the school nor its support organizations can require you or your family to purchase materials, supplies, equipment or specific uniforms for any school activity, nor can we require you or your family to pay security deposits or make donations in order to participate in the program. All donations are strictly voluntary and greatly appreciated as we work to support our schools and programs!
Required to appear on any page that includes e-Commerce Offers
PTA does not endorse, warrant or recommend any of these products. PTA will receive a small percentage of every sale. If you decide to purchase any products, we thank you.
Required to appear on any PTA website or publication that includes names of businesses, sponsors, or products.
The mention of any business, service, or product in this publication/website does not imply endorsement by [INSERT NAME OF] PTA.​​
California State PTA Links
Communications - California State PTA Toolkit
Publications Guidelines - California State PTA Toolkit
Guidelines for Communications Leader - California State PTA Toolkit
Communications Job Description Information- California State PTA
Greater Community Media - California State PTA
National PTA Links
Sponsorship Guidelines for use on websites
Guidelines to follow the PTAs non commercial policy as it relates to corporate sponsorships.