Legislation Advocacy
The definition of "advocacy" is to "urge action".
One of the most important functions of the PTA is to provide information to its members about legislation and activities related to the education of their children. To make a difference, PTA must continually advocate for the education, health and safety of our children.
​Per the California State PTA:
PTA is non-partisan and never endorses or opposes a candidate for public office.
PTA does take positions on issues that affect children and youth.
To maintain the PTA tax exempt 501 3(C) status however, it is critical that Units carry out their advocacy activities within the guidelines established by the National and State PTA as well as those set forth by our local school district.
PTA participates in the legislative process by:
Encouraging citizens to vote
Providing information
Advocating for the PTA positions
PTAs must recognize the distinction between information pieces vs. advocacy pieces to ensure the guidelines are followed.
Advocacy urges action and is persuasive.
Information is even-handed, dispassionate and factual.
Advocacy pieces are allowed to be distributed:
At PTA meetings if a facilities use permit has been obtained
If it is on the sidewalk (not on school property)
If it is included on a PTA/ website
If it is included on PTA/PTSA List Serve
If it is mailed home
Advocacy pieces MUST NOT be sent home directly with children. SAMPLE: "The California State PTA urges you to vote NO on Proposition 76" is considered advocacy and may not be sent home with children.
Advocacy pieces CANNOT BE printed by the CUSD Print Shop.
Information pieces can be printed at a CUSD Print Shop and MAY be sent home with children.
​***Anything sent home with children must be approved by the school Principal.***
​Fact Sheet
Capistrano Unified Council of PTSAs is the governing body of the PTA units within the Capistrano Unified School District.
There are 55 schools in the school district and 53 PTA units serving 50,137 students.
Our PTA membership is 30,075 parents, teachers and community members who are very interested in the quality of education in our schools. We are the largest PTA council in the state of California.
Our PTA units raise funds to support valuable programs at our schools, that can no longer be funded by our school district, such as art, music, and technology.
Our PTA units also provide information to our parents and communities about the education system and in particular, our legislative actions that impact our childrens schools.
The Legislative Action Team is a council-level organization with senior representative from 43 schools in our school district.
The Legislative Action Team meets monthly to review legislative news, to take advocacy stands on issues and to promote activism on the part of parents and community members on key issues. Legislation Representative meetings are held monthly during the school year at the at the CUSD Education Center .
The Legislative Action Team is also a recommendation body for the school district on issues such as budgeting.
The advocacy agenda for the Legislative Action Team is determined on an annual basis and includes advocacy statements directed at the federal, state and local levels of school governance.
Once a year, the Legislative Action Team travels to Sacramento to visit with key legislators and to learn more about the pending education issues. The team members then report back to their parent groups on what we have learned from the trip.
The Legislative Action Team is a knowledgeable and credible source of information for the parents and community members in our schools.
General Information About Communication Related to Advocacy
What Unit PTAs can communicate to their members through their stand alone website, unit supported Constant Contact OR though the CUSD communication systems such as ListServe:
PTA and CUSD can encourage voter registration and voting in a nonpartisan manner. The paragraph following is fine for PTAs to communicate through a stand alone website or through CUSD:
"The general election is November 3, 2020. Every citizen that is 18 years old by November 3, 2020 can register to vote. Everyone can register to vote online by going to https://www.ocvote.com/registration/register-to-vote The last day to register to vote is October 19, 2020. For more information about the election and how to vote please visit ocvote.com. Ballots will be sent out on October 5, 2020. You can turn in your paper ballot starting that date. Make sure to sign your ballot. Early in person voting will begin on October 30, 2020. The PTA strongly encourages our members to vote in all elections and in particular this November 3, 2020, our general election." -
If PTA communicates with members using the districts or schools communication (school messenger), PTA may not endorse any proposition or position within their message as it can appear that the district is supporting it.
What PTAs can communicate only through an independent communication system (not CUSD) and other guidelines:
If a PTA has an independent communication system with their members, such as Constant Contact or a stand alone website, that PTA can support Props 15 & 16 and encourage members to vote FOR them. You do not have to do this. You can remain neutral or not write about them, but since PTA has taken a stand, you cannot use PTA to speak AGAINST these props.
PTAs are allowed to support positions and propositions that the PTA membership has voted to support. In the upcoming 2020 election, that includes Propositions 15 & 16 (split roll tax and affirmative action). State PTA must follow a process of research and membership approvals before supporting propositions.
PTAs are not allowed to support candidates.
CUSD is also not allowed to support political positions, which includes candidates and propositions.
"Where Social Media and Advocacy Collide" - Information from the National PTA - 2019